六、医疗制度 英国的医疗制度不同别国。计划在英国逗留超过了6个月的人都有权享受国民医疗保健服务——免费医疗。人们通常在一名全科医生(GP)处登记,在第一次见全科医生前需要预约。如果全科医生的知识不足以处理病情,病人会被转介到医院里的专科医生处。否则,病人会由全科医生治疗,并且凭全科医生的处方在当地药店购买药品。不计药品的实际价值,药店仅为每张处方收取5.99英镑。购买某些药品必须有全科医生的处方,但你也可以直接从药店的柜台购买许多类型的药品。药剂师会为小病提供免费建议。若有紧急情况,病人可以直接去医院。尽管在英国可以找到很多中药店,最好还是出发的时候从家里带一些常用药。 我也获得了国民医疗保健服务卡,并享受了国民医疗保健服务,在伯明翰牙病医院免费就诊四次。下面的小段子就是我看牙后的感受。 Just back from Birmingham City Dental Hospital,where I had my last free treatment 0f my faulty teeth.Itold the intern doctor that I would be absent for quite a while and she asked me to make a further appointment when I came back. So you see UK is really a welfare country and I have benefited a great deal from NHS!
七、真是个说理的地方 由于我没有认真阅读公派留学人员办理留学回国证明说明,而买了1.12英镑的邮票,中国大使馆教育处说并不需要这些邮票。于是我便想试一试看是否能把这些邮票退掉,当时想即便不给退,也不过就是十几元人民币罢了。没想到邮局的人很痛快地把如数的英镑给了我,还说了声谢谢! 还有一次我买了一双新鞋,穿了一天觉得有些磨脚,于是就给退掉了。 真是个说理的地方! 当然,也有不太顺利的时候。一次付款后,发现拿到的并不是我要的耳环。我马上要求退货,但售货员说不能退(金银首饰不给退)。于是我和她据理力争,因为本来就是她的失职嘛,最终她只好认账。现在想来还仍然沉浸于用英语与native speakers理论而带来的喜悦中。
八、一个酒吧文化盛行的国度 我上学必经伯明翰市最繁华的酒吧一条街。看到男女老少,穿着各异,满怀激情,奔往自己心仪的酒吧,不免对英国的酒吧文化再燃兴致。 Visitors to Britain may find the best place to sampIe local culture is in a traditional pub. Pub culture is designed to promote sociability in a society known for its reserve.Standing at the bar for service allows you to chat with others waiting t0 be served.The bar counter is possibly the only site in the British Isles in which friendly conversation with strangers is considered entirely appropriate and reaIly quite normal behaviour.“If you haven’t been to a pub,you haven’t been to Britain.”This tip can be found in a booklet,Passport to the Pub:The Tourists’Guide to pub Etiquette,a customers’code of conduct for those wanting to sample“a central part of British life and culture”.
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