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新闻来源:新闻中心   新闻作者:1816 胡頔   责任编辑:闻毅   新闻发布:王美佳
字体大小: 超大          字体颜色:字体颜色     发布时间:2016.12.12

 2016年11月19日至26日,我校教师焦阳及四位高二年级中美班和普通班的学生胡頔(1816班)、李馨颐(1815班)、凌子涵(1809班)及王淇(1813班)赴印度新德里现代学校参加了第十一届Community Development & Leadership Summit 2016青年领袖峰会。CDLS峰会由印度新德里现代学校于2006年创办,该校2016年印度全国综合排名第一,是一个供全世界青少年交流、学习和思想碰撞的舞台。本届CDLS峰会的主题是“时代在变,我们应适之而变”,共有来自15个国家的100余名高中生参加。

       时间如流水,这句话的真谛仿佛只有远在他乡时体会的尤为深刻。转眼间,印度之行已然成为回忆。不得不说,这次的活动令人印象深刻,带给我一种完全不同的异域感受和文化冲击。 出行前,印度在我心底的印象就像一张尚未开拓的干净的白纸,留下的痕迹浅之又浅。但随着行程的开启,印度的影像轮廓在我心里越发清晰。
随后的几天,学校每天下午都会安排小组讨论及创造性活动。每一个设定的题目都是与现世十分相关的话题:食物资源稀缺,严重的生态破坏,能够保证绿色最大化的行为,人口激增...... 这些看似很平常的话题的背后其实都是互相关联,互相联系并与世界上每个国家命运息息相关的。在思考这些问题的同时,我还观察到了国外优秀学生的一个特点:他们并不吝惜于表达自己的想法但也绝非是逞强。想到点子后有意识地付诸于行动而非仅局限于思考,但往往有时做事拖沓效率不高。但同时这也可以鲜明的折射出中国学生的特点:思想深度相对较深但行动力较差,做事情细致认真,务实讲求效率。这些特点可以说以前多多少少在一些文章中提到过,但真真正正亲身经历却是在这次峰会上。吸取一些他人身上的优点精华,改正自己的身上应该加强的部分,是这次印度峰会带给我的独一无二的启发。
,印度峰会是一次很难忘的体会--- 让自己的身心都得到了全新的体验。其实,印度峰会最大的收获,就是我的全身投入及触发心灵的思考,这些都将是一笔无价的财富,是远远从课本文字中所获得不到的,精神上最宝贵的陪伴。


Traveling to India, with soul

       Time and tides wait for no man— the meaning of this sentence will only be shown when we are outside our country and in the exotic India. To tell the truth, this trip really impresses me not only because of the full preparation of physical care by host family and students, but also due to the sparks of the cultural mixture and combination behind this international program. For me, the most significant thing I need to perceive through such a communication activity is to discover the discrepancy between people in different countries and absorb the quintessence of other excellent cultures. And, indeed, I make it.
       Based on my own personality, I judge the truth that it is hard
for me to really cultivate a deep emotion and relationship with someone else within just a few days. However, this kind of belief is also broken by communicating with other students. To be honest, sometimes the way that foreign students communicate with each other seems a little bit weird because keeping asking “hey, how are you? What did you do today?” really bores me and makes me feel exhausted to repeat the same answer again and again. However, that was just the initial understanding of them and it was totally superficial because at that time, I was just standing in the surface of the phenomenon to make a rough judgment about the behavior of others, but it was okay since at least I perceived somewhat discrepancy between Chinese politeness and shyness and foreign countries’ enthusiasm and outgoing. Then, as the communication with them became more frequent, I gradually understood that their greetings were sincere and they were really curious and kind about what you did through the whole day and they would be definitely happy to hear that you enjoyed your whole day when you spent time with them. What ’s more, through the observation of what foreign students did, I understood one point, which is all the time people say that Chinese people are shy, lack creativity and positivity, but that is not who they are but the difference and shyness are caused by the way how Chinese students are thinking— they are always getting used to thinking a lot before they have the courage to say something out, or even they can speak out some wonderful ideas, they still lack the consciousness to put it into real life— in other words, do it by oneself. We are always thinking, thinking and thinking. However, for the students in other countries, whether they have prepared enough or not, they would like to share their ideas and create even the most childish thoughts with others— they are never afraid of saying something wrong or behavior immaturely, rather, they like to share everything. However, here I am not saying that any culture is bad because bad can never be used when judging the essence of a culture since all cultures have something valuable and all others would like to absorb. What I really mean is that just standing in such an international level, I can see clearly the difference in the behavior of others and the CDLS will facilitate me to discover the need-improving characters in Chinese students’ minds and what exactly they can do to continuously improve themselves and finally stand in the top of the world. Hence, if given another chance, I will still spare no efforts and put all my heart into it— because it is worth trying.
